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All Options Exchanges Alerts

News Alert

MIAX Pearl

March 02, 2018 | 11:02 AM

Miami International Holdings, Inc. Reports Record Activity for February 2018; MIAX Exchange Group Sets New Daily and Monthly Records

Full details can be found in the attached press release. For further information, please visit www.MIAXOptions.com or contact MIAX Trading Operations...

News Alert

MIAX Options

March 02, 2018 | 11:02 AM

Miami International Holdings, Inc. Reports Record Activity for February 2018; MIAX Exchange Group Sets New Daily and Monthly Records

Full details can be found in the attached press release. For further information, please visit www.MIAXOptions.com or contact MIAX Trading Operations...

Fee Change Alert

MIAX Options

March 01, 2018 | 08:04 PM

MIAX Options - Updated March 1, 2018 Fee Changes

As previously announced in the February 28, 2018 Alert, effective March 1, 2018, pending SEC approval, the MIAX Options Fee...

Listing Alert

MIAX Pearl

March 01, 2018 | 03:41 PM

MIAX Options and MIAX PEARL Delisting Alert: PHH Corporation (PHH)

PHH Corporation (PHH) will be de-listed from the MIAX Options and MIAX PEARL Exchanges effective on Friday, March 2, 2018. All...

Listing Alert

MIAX Options

March 01, 2018 | 03:41 PM

MIAX Options and MIAX PEARL Delisting Alert: PHH Corporation (PHH)

PHH Corporation (PHH) will be de-listed from the MIAX Options and MIAX PEARL Exchanges effective on Friday, March 2, 2018. All...

Fee Change Alert

MIAX Pearl

February 28, 2018 | 06:20 PM

MIAX PEARL - March 1, 2018 Fee Changes

Effective March 1, 2018, pending SEC approval, the MIAX PEARL Fee Schedule will be amended. A summary of the March 1,...

Fee Change Alert

MIAX Options

February 28, 2018 | 06:10 PM

MIAX Options - March 1, 2018 Fee Changes - Amendment to Market Maker Monthly Trading Permit & Port Fees

Effective March 1, 2018, pending SEC approval, the MIAX Options Fee Schedule will be amended. A summary of the March 1,...

Listing Alert

MIAX Pearl

February 28, 2018 | 02:49 PM

MIAX Options and MIAX PEARL Delisting Alert: Regal Entertainment Group (RGC)

Regal Entertainment Group (RGC) will be de-listed from the MIAX Options and MIAX PEARL Exchanges effective on Thursday, March 1,...