MIAX® Market Data & Vendor Agreements
MIAX Exchange Group participants requesting MIAX Market Data Feeds directly from MIAX or an approved MIAX Data Feed Distributor must execute a common MIAX Exchange Data Agreement and applicable schedules. MIAX Market Data Policies detail the various policies related to the receipt of MIAX Market Data and should be reviewed prior to the Agreements and Schedules outlined below. Exchange participants or vendors desiring to become an authorized MIAX Data Feed Distributor (internally within your organization or externally to third parties) should review the MIAX Market Data Policies for specific requirements.
View PoliciesMIAX Exchange Data Agreement
This is required from all firms receiving market data directly from MIAX or through an authorized Data Feed Distributor.
Schedule A – Affiliated Companies List
This is required from all firms distributing market data to affiliates.
Schedule B – Data Feed Request Form
This is required for all firms receiving market data.
Schedule C – Service Facilitator List
This is required from all firms delegating Exchange Data Agreement responsibilities to a third party.
Schedule D – Market Data Subscriber Agreement
This is required from each subscriber of a firm acting as an External Controlled Data Distributor.
MIAX Extranet Agreement
Vendors desiring to become an approved MIAX Extranet provider, for the purpose of providing MIAX Market Data or transaction processing services connectivity, are required to execute the MIAX Exchange Extranet Connection Agreement and Extranet Schedule A.