MIAX Pearl® Options Alerts

Listing Alert

MIAX Pearl

October 12, 2022 | 05:48 PM

MIAX Exchange Group - Options Markets - Delisting of Options Classes FORG, OFIX and SPNE

ForgeRock, Inc. (FORG), Orthofix Medical Inc. (OFIX) and SeaSpine Holdings Corporation (SPNE)  will be de-listed from the MIAX Options Exchange, MIAX...

Listing Alert

MIAX Pearl

October 12, 2022 | 02:25 PM

MIAX Exchange Group - Options Markets - Corporate Action Alert: T2 Biosystems, Inc. (TTOO)

T2 Biosystems, Inc. (TTOO) has announced a reverse split effective for Thursday, October 13, 2022. On that date, the current TTOO...

Listing Alert

MIAX Pearl

October 12, 2022 | 10:49 AM

MIAX Exchange Group - Options Markets - Delisting of Terminix Global Holdings, Inc. (TMX)

Terminix Global Holdings, Inc. (TMX) will be de-listed from the MIAX Options Exchange, MIAX Pearl Options Exchange and MIAX Emerald Options Exchange effective...

Regulatory Alert

MIAX Pearl

October 12, 2022 | 09:53 AM

MIAX Pearl Options Exchange - Secondary (B Side) Retransmission Services for Top of Market (ToM) and Pearl Liquidity Feed (PLF) Feeds for Clouds 10 through 12 will be Unavailable for the Remainder of Today

Please be advised the MIAX Pearl Options Exchange Secondary (B Side) Retransmission Services of the Top of Market (ToM) Feed...

Listing Alert

MIAX Pearl

October 11, 2022 | 03:24 PM

MIAX Exchange Group - Options Markets - Delisting of Nielsen Holdings plc (NLSN)

Nielsen Holdings plc (NLSN) will be de-listed from the MIAX Options Exchange, MIAX Pearl Options Exchange and MIAX Emerald Options Exchange effective for...

Listing Alert

MIAX Pearl

October 11, 2022 | 03:14 PM

MIAX Exchange Group - Options Markets - Delisting of Denbury Inc. (DEN)

Denbury Inc. (DEN)  will be de-listed from the MIAX Options Exchange, MIAX Pearl Options Exchange and MIAX Emerald Options Exchange effective for...

Trading Alert

MIAX Pearl

October 10, 2022 | 03:50 PM

OCC Product Group and Class Group Updates for SPIKES Products

The Options Clearing Corporation (“OCC”) has moved Class Group 499 (SPIKES Options and SPIKES Futures) into Product Group 500 (S&P...

Trading Alert

MIAX Pearl

October 10, 2022 | 02:33 PM

MIAX Exchange Group - Options & Equities Markets - Final Reminder: Reg SCI / SIFMA BCP Testing on Saturday, October 15, 2022

Overview: As previously announced in the April 19th, September 19th and September 28th Alerts, the MIAX Exchange Group will be participating in the 2022...