MIAX Sapphire™ Options Alerts

Regulatory Alert, Trading Alert

MIAX Sapphire

August 02, 2024 | 03:44 PM

MIAX Sapphire Options - Option Underlying Pause Timer and Opening Process

Pursuant to MIAX Sapphire Options Rule 503, the Opening Pause Timer will be set for five hundred (500) milliseconds effective...

Regulatory Alert

MIAX Sapphire

August 02, 2024 | 03:42 PM

MIAX Sapphire Options - Compliance with Section 11(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as Amended (the Act)

Section 11(a) of the Securities Exchange Act prohibits a member of a national securities exchange from effecting transactions on that...

Fee Change Alert

MIAX Sapphire

July 26, 2024 | 03:29 PM

MIAX Sapphire Options Exchange - Updated Summary of Proposed Non-transaction Fees to Clarify Application of Production Connectivity Waiver Period

This alert updates and supersedes the summary of proposed non-transaction fees for MIAX Sapphire previously announced in the July 23, 2024 alert. The...

Regulatory Alert, Fee Change Alert

MIAX Sapphire

July 23, 2024 | 01:34 PM

MIAX Sapphire Options Exchange - Options Regulatory Fee

As previously announced in the July 17, 2024 Alert, the MIAX Sapphire Options Exchange plans to commence electronic operations on August 12, 2024. ...

Fee Change Alert

MIAX Sapphire

July 23, 2024 | 12:35 PM

MIAX Sapphire Options Exchange - Summary of Proposed Non-transaction Fees

As previously announced in the July 17, 2024 Alert, the MIAX Sapphire Options Exchange has been approved by the SEC and is expected...

Trading Alert, Technical Alert, Regulatory Alert

MIAX Sapphire

July 19, 2024 | 08:54 AM

MIAX Exchange Group - All Systems Operating Normally

Please be advised that all MIAX Exchange trading systems are operating normally. If you have any questions, please contact Trading Operations...

Regulatory Alert, Technical Alert, Trading Alert

MIAX Sapphire

July 18, 2024 | 03:02 PM

MIAX Sapphire Options Exchange - Update: Important Dates and Resources

As previously announced in the July 17, 2024 Alert, MIAX Sapphire Options Exchange has been approved by the SEC and is expected to...

News Alert

MIAX Sapphire

July 17, 2024 | 08:35 AM

Miami International Holdings Announces SEC Approval of MIAX Sapphire Exchange

Full details can be found in the attached press release. For further information, please visit www.miaxglobal.com or contact MIAX Trading Operations...