MIAX Pearl® Options Alerts

Listing Alert

MIAX Pearl

October 29, 2021 | 10:55 AM

MIAX Exchange Group - Options Markets - Delisting of Medallia, Inc. (MDLA)

Medallia, Inc. (MDLA) will be de-listed from the MIAX Options Exchange, MIAX PEARL Options Exchange and MIAX Emerald Options Exchange effective on...

Listing Alert

MIAX Pearl

October 28, 2021 | 04:19 PM

MIAX Exchange Group - Options Markets - Delisting of China XD Plastics Company Limited (CXDC)

China XD Plastics Company Limited (CXDC) will be de-listed from the MIAX Options Exchange, MIAX PEARL Options Exchange and MIAX Emerald Options...

Regulatory Alert

MIAX Pearl

October 28, 2021 | 03:22 PM

Change to the Maximum Differential for the MIAX Pearl Order Monitor for Symbols MKL and MNDY Effective October 29, 2021

MIAX Pearl Options will increase the bid/ask differential for the MIAX Pearl Order Monitor for Markel Corporation (“MKL”) and Monday.com...

Listing Alert

MIAX Pearl

October 28, 2021 | 02:23 PM

MIAX Exchange Group - Options Markets - Delisting of Cadence Bancorporation (CADE)

Cadence Bancorporation (CADE) will be de-listed from the MIAX Options Exchange, MIAX PEARL Options Exchange and MIAX Emerald Options Exchange effective on...

Listing Alert

MIAX Pearl

October 26, 2021 | 04:17 PM

MIAX Exchange Group - Options Markets - Delisting of PAE Incorporated (PAE)

PAE Incorporated (PAE) will be de-listed from the MIAX Options Exchange, MIAX PEARL Options Exchange and MIAX Emerald Options Exchange effective on...

Fee Change Alert

MIAX Pearl

October 26, 2021 | 09:54 AM

MIAX Pearl Options Exchange - November 1, 2021 Non-Transaction Fee and Credits Changes

Effective November 1, 2021, MIAX Pearl Options will increase fees for its Trading Permit and Full Service MEO Port (Bulk...

Regulatory Alert

MIAX Pearl

October 25, 2021 | 02:32 PM

Market for Underlying Security Used for Openings on MIAX Options, MIAX Pearl Options and MIAX Emerald Options for Newly Listed Symbol DWAC Effective Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Digital World Acquisition Corp. ("DWAC") will start trading on MIAX Options, MIAX Pearl Options and MIAX Emerald Options beginning Tuesday,...