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All Options Exchanges Alerts

Listing Alert

MIAX Options

August 31, 2016 | 03:47 PM

MIAX Listing Alert: New PLMM in GLW and RCL

Effective for trading on Thursday, September 1, 2016, the following firms will assume the duties of Primary Lead Market Maker...

Listing Alert

MIAX Options

August 31, 2016 | 12:54 PM

MIAX Delisting Alert: Axiall Corporation (AXLL)

Axiall Corporation (AXLL) will be de-listed from the MIAX Options Exchange effective on Thursday, September 1, 2016. All open GTC orders...

Regulatory Alert

MIAX Options

August 31, 2016 | 07:15 AM

MIAX Listing Alert: Series made Non-Tradeable

The following option series were made non-tradeable on the MIAX Options Exchange effective for today, Wednesday, August 31, 2016; CHAD 03/17/2017 30.00 CHAD...

Listing Alert

MIAX Options

August 30, 2016 | 05:06 PM

MIAX Delisting Alert: InterCloud Systems, Inc. (ICLD)

InterCloud Systems, Inc. (ICLD) will be de-listed from the MIAX Options Exchange effective on Wednesday, August 31, 2016. All open GTC...

Regulatory Alert

MIAX Options

August 29, 2016 | 10:12 AM

MIAX Options Holiday Schedule - Labor Day 2016

Please be advised the MIAX Options Exchange will be closed on Monday, September 5, 2016 in observance of Labor Day. If...

Listing Alert

MIAX Options

August 29, 2016 | 08:05 AM

MIAX Delisting Alert: Option classes CGI, CSL, HE, LNT, MMS, MTSC, and TFX

The following option classes will no longer be available for trading on the MIAX Options Exchange effective for today, Monday,...

Trading Alert

MIAX Options

August 26, 2016 | 01:53 PM

Market for Underlying Security Used for Openings on MIAX for Newly Listed Option Classes as of August 29, 2016

MIAX Regulatory Circular 2016-30 identifies newly listed option classes that will start trading at MIAX on Monday, August 29, 2016,...