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All Options Exchanges Alerts

Trading Alert

MIAX Options

September 09, 2016 | 09:19 AM

MIAX Listing Alert: TiVo Corporation (TIVO) made Non-Tradeable for Today

The option class TiVo Corporation (TIVO), was made non-tradeable on the MIAX Options Exchange effective for today, Friday, September 9, 2016. Please contact...

Listing Alert

MIAX Options

September 07, 2016 | 05:27 PM

MIAX Delisting Alert: Elizabeth Arden, Inc. (RDEN)

Elizabeth Arden, Inc. (RDEN) will be de-listed from the MIAX Options Exchange effective on Thursday, September 8, 2016. All open GTC...

Listing Alert

MIAX Options

September 07, 2016 | 05:04 PM

MIAX Corporate Action Alert: Rovi Corporation (ROVI) and TiVo Inc., (TIVO) merger, name and symbol change to TiVo Corporation (TIVO)

Rovi Corporation (ROVI) and TiVo Inc., (TIVO) merger, name and symbol change to new TiVo Corporation (TIVO) effective for trading on...

Listing Alert

MIAX Options

September 07, 2016 | 04:02 PM

MIAX Corporate Action Alert: Sunesis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (SNSS)

Sunesis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (SNSS) has announced a reverse split that will become effective on Thursday, September 8, 2016.  On that...

Listing Alert

MIAX Options

September 07, 2016 | 02:15 PM

MIAX Listing Alert: New PLMM in CPHD

Effective for trading on Thursday, September 8, 2016, Susquehanna Securities will assume the duties of Primary Lead Market Maker (PLMM)...

Listing Alert

MIAX Options

September 07, 2016 | 02:03 PM

MIAX Delisting Alert: iDreamSky Technology Limited (DSKY)

iDreamSky Technology Limited (DSKY) will be de-listed from the MIAX Options Exchange effective on Thursday, September 8, 2016. All open GTC...

Technical Alert

MIAX Options

September 07, 2016 | 12:08 PM

MIAX Options - Reminder: Phase 2 of NY4 Data Center Migration and Latency Equalization

As previously communicated in the June 30, 2016 MIAX Options Alert, the MIAX will commence the second phase of its data...

Listing Alert

MIAX Options

September 07, 2016 | 11:22 AM

MIAX Delisting Alert: ITT Educational Services Inc. (ESI)

ITT Educational Services Inc. (ESI) will be de-listed from the MIAX Options Exchange effective on Thursday, September 8, 2016. All open...