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All Options Exchanges Alerts

Listing Alert

MIAX Options

January 04, 2017 | 01:28 PM

MIAX Options Listing Alert: New PLMMs in HMC and UL

Effective for trading on Thursday, January 5, 2017, the following firms will assume the duties of Primary Lead Market Maker...

Trading Alert

MIAX Options

January 04, 2017 | 11:21 AM

Reminder: MIAX PEARL Exchange Launch Webcast, Customer Call

MIAX PEARL will hold a Customer Call and Webcast on Wednesday, January 18th, 2017 at 11:00 a.m. ET to discuss preparations, functionality...

Trading Alert

MIAX Options

January 04, 2017 | 09:22 AM

MIAX Options Listing Alert: Series made Non-Tradeable

The following option series were made non-tradeable on the MIAX Options Exchange effective for today, Wednesday, January 4, 2017. XRX  1/19/2018  2.00 XRX ...

Listing Alert

MIAX Options

January 03, 2017 | 05:52 PM

MIAX Delisting Alert: American Capital Ltd. (ACAS)

American Capital Ltd. (ACAS) will be de-listed from the MIAX Options Exchange effective on Wednesday, January 4, 2017. All GTC orders...

Listing Alert

MIAX Options

January 03, 2017 | 02:29 PM

MIAX Options Listing Alert: Additions to Penny Pilot Program

The following option classes will be included in the MIAX Options Penny Pilot Program at the start of trading on Wednesday,...

Listing Alert

MIAX Options

January 03, 2017 | 10:41 AM

MIAX Corporate Action Alert: Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc. (HLT)

Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc. (HLT) has announced a distribution and a 1-for-3 reverse stock split immediately following the distribution.  The...

Listing Alert

MIAX Options

January 03, 2017 | 10:38 AM

MIAX Corporate Action Alert: Integra LifeSciences Holdings Corporation (IART)

Integra LifeSciences Holdings Corporation (IART) has announced a 2 for 1 stock split.  Associated strike price adjustments will become effective...

Listing Alert

MIAX Options

December 30, 2016 | 04:06 PM

MIAX Corporate Action Alert: Smith & Wesson Holding Corp (SWHC) will change its name and symbol to American Outdoor Brands (AOBC)

Smith & Wesson Holding Corp (SWHC) will change its name to American Outdoor Brands, its trading symbol to (AOBC), and its...