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All Options Exchanges Alerts

Trading Alert

MIAX Options

January 20, 2017 | 11:33 AM

Completion of MIAX Options Complex Order Rollout

Effective Monday, January, 30, 2017, Complex Orders will be made available for all symbols trading on MIAX Options.    Please refer to...

Regulatory Alert

MIAX Options

January 20, 2017 | 11:28 AM

Updates to MIAX Options Complex Order Origin and Order Types

Please refer to the following MIAX Options Regulatory Circulars for updates to Complex Order origin and order types on the...

Trading Alert

MIAX Options

January 20, 2017 | 11:26 AM

Amendments to MIAX Options Rule 605 - Permissible Market Maker Order Types

MIAX Options has filed to amend MIAX Options Rule 605, Market Maker Orders, to provide that a MIAX Options Market...

Regulatory Alert

MIAX Options

January 20, 2017 | 11:22 AM

Amendments to MIAX Options Rule 605 - Permissible Market Maker Order Types

MIAX Options has filed to amend MIAX Options Rule 605, Market Maker Orders, to provide that a MIAX Options Market...

Fee Change Alert

MIAX Pearl

January 19, 2017 | 05:48 PM

MIAX PEARL - Preliminary Fee Schedule

  Effective February 6, 2017, pending SEC approval and subject to change, attached is the MIAX PEARL Fee Schedule. For more information...

Listing Alert

MIAX Options

January 18, 2017 | 11:57 AM

MIAX Corporate Action Alert: Intrexon Corporation (XON)

Intrexon Corporation (XON) has announced a distribution. The distribution will become effective on Thursday, January 19, 2017.  On that date,...

Listing Alert

MIAX Options

January 18, 2017 | 11:38 AM

MIAX Corporate Action Alert: Melco Crown Entertainment Limited (MPEL)

Melco Crown Entertainment Limited (MPEL) has announced a special cash dividend.  Associated strike price adjustments will become effective on Thursday,...

Listing Alert

MIAX Options

January 18, 2017 | 11:04 AM

MIAX Corporate Action Alert: iShares Core S&P Small-Cap ETF (IJR)

iShares Core S&P Small-Cap ETF (IJR) has announced a 2 for 1 stock split.  Associated strike price adjustments will become...