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All Options Exchanges Alerts

Regulatory Alert

MIAX Pearl

October 03, 2017 | 01:43 PM

Amendments to Rules Related to Listing and Trading Options on Indices

The Securities and Exchange Commission approved a proposed rule filing by MIAX Options to adopt a new chapter of MIAX...

Listing Alert

MIAX Options

October 03, 2017 | 09:39 AM

MIAX Options and MIAX PEARL Delisting Alert: Alere Inc. (ALR)

Alere Inc. (ALR) will be de-listed from the MIAX Options and MIAX PEARL Exchanges effective on Wednesday, October 4, 2017. All...

Listing Alert

MIAX Pearl

October 03, 2017 | 09:39 AM

MIAX Options and MIAX PEARL Delisting Alert: Alere Inc. (ALR)

Alere Inc. (ALR) will be de-listed from the MIAX Options and MIAX PEARL Exchanges effective on Wednesday, October 4, 2017. All...

Regulatory Alert

MIAX Pearl

October 02, 2017 | 01:06 PM

MIAX Options and MIAX PEARL Declares Self-Help on NASDAQ ISE Options Exchange

Please be advised the MIAX Options Exchange and MIAX PEARL have declared self-help on the NASDAQ ISE Options Exchange as of...

Regulatory Alert

MIAX Options

October 02, 2017 | 01:06 PM

MIAX Options and MIAX PEARL Declares Self-Help on NASDAQ ISE Options Exchange

Please be advised the MIAX Options Exchange and MIAX PEARL have declared self-help on the NASDAQ ISE Options Exchange as of...

Technical Alert

MIAX Options

October 02, 2017 | 12:32 PM

MIAX Options and MIAX PEARL Exchanges have Revoked Self-Help on NASDAQ ISE Options Exchange

Please be advised the MIAX Options and MIAX PEARL Exchanges have revoked self-help on the NASDAQ ISE Option Exchange as of...

Technical Alert

MIAX Pearl

October 02, 2017 | 12:32 PM

MIAX Options and MIAX PEARL Exchanges have Revoked Self-Help on NASDAQ ISE Options Exchange

Please be advised the MIAX Options and MIAX PEARL Exchanges have revoked self-help on the NASDAQ ISE Option Exchange as of...

Regulatory Alert

MIAX Options

October 02, 2017 | 10:54 AM

MIAX Options and MIAX PEARL- Connectivity to the Member Firm Portal (MFP) is Now Resolved

Please be advised that connectivity to the MIAX Member Firm Portal (MFP) is now available.   All Trading Systems are operating...