MIAX Pearl® Options Alerts

Technical Alert

MIAX Pearl

May 16, 2017 | 02:51 PM

MIAX Options & MIAX PEARL Exchanges - SFTP Maintenance May 20 & May 27

The MIAX Exchanges will perform maintenance on the Primary SFTP Server on Saturday, May 20, 2017, between 10:00AM and 2:00PM.  During...

Listing Alert

MIAX Pearl

May 16, 2017 | 09:30 AM

MIAX Corporate Action Alert: Silver Wheaton Corp. (SLW) will change its name and trading symbol to Wheaton Precious Metals Corp (WPM)

Silver Wheaton Corp. (SLW) will change its name, and trading symbol to Wheaton Precious Metals Corp (WPM), effective for Tuesday,...

Listing Alert

MIAX Pearl

May 12, 2017 | 12:51 PM

MIAX Options and MIAX PEARL Corporate Action Alert: Ashland Global Holdings Inc. (ASH)

Ashland Global Holdings Inc. (ASH) has announced a distribution that is effective on Monday, May 15, 2017. On that date,...

Listing Alert

MIAX Pearl

May 10, 2017 | 11:25 AM

MIAX Options and MIAX PEARL Corporate Action Alert: Syngenta AG (SYT)

Syngenta AG (SYT) has announced a Special Cash Dividend effective on Thursday, May 11, 2017. On that date, the current...

Trading Alert

MIAX Pearl

May 10, 2017 | 10:10 AM

MIAX Options & MIAX PEARL - Mandatory Usage of Member Firm Portal: August 1, 2017

The MIAX Exchanges intend to file rules to require MIAX Options and MIAX PEARL Members to use the MIAX Member...

Listing Alert

MIAX Pearl

May 10, 2017 | 10:08 AM

MIAX Options and MIAX PEARL Delisting Alert: Kate Spade & Company (KATE)

Kate Spade & Company (KATE) will be de-listed from the MIAX Options and MIAX PEARL Exchanges effective on Wednesday, May...

Regulatory Alert

MIAX Pearl

May 05, 2017 | 03:57 PM

MIAX Options and MIAX PEARL Declares Self-Help on ARCA Options Exchange

Please be advised the MIAX Options Exchanges have declared self-help on the ARCA Options Exchange as of 15:52. All MIAX systems are...

Listing Alert

MIAX Pearl

May 05, 2017 | 09:08 AM

MIAX Options and MIAX Pearl Corporate Action Alert: PharmAthene Inc. (PIP) and Altimmune, Inc merger

PharmAthene Inc. (PIP) and Altimmune, Inc completed merger has become effective. On Friday, May 5, 2017  PharmAthene Inc. (PIP) will change its...