MIAX Pearl® Options Alerts

Listing Alert

MIAX Pearl

May 14, 2020 | 11:11 AM

MIAX Exchange Group - Options Markets - Corporate Action Alert: VirnetX Holding Corporation (VHC)

VirnetX Holding Corporation (VHC) has announced a distribution effective for Wednesday, May 15, 2020. On that date, the current VHC option...

Listing Alert

MIAX Pearl

May 13, 2020 | 03:32 PM

MIAX Exchange Group - Options Markets - Corporate Action Alert: PDL BioPharma, Inc. (PDLI)

PDL BioPharma, Inc. (PDLI) has announced a distribution effective for Thursday, May 14, 2020. On that date, the current PDLI option...

Listing Alert

MIAX Pearl

May 12, 2020 | 11:18 AM

MIAX Exchange Group - Options Markets - Corporate Action Alert: Loral Space & Communications Inc. (LORL)

Loral Space & Communications Inc. (LORL) has announced a distribution effective for Wednesday, May 13, 2020. On that date, the current...

Listing Alert

MIAX Pearl

May 11, 2020 | 05:56 PM

MIAX Exchange Group - Options Markets - Delisting of Avianca Holdings S.A. (AVH) and Stage Stores, Inc. (SSI)

Avianca Holdings S.A. (AVH) and Stage Stores, Inc. (SSI) will be de-listed from the MIAX Options Exchange, MIAX PEARL Options Exchange and MIAX...

Listing Alert

MIAX Pearl

May 08, 2020 | 03:38 PM

MIAX Exchange Group - Options Markets - Delisting of Allergan Plc (AGN)

Allergan Plc (AGN) will be de-listed from the MIAX Options Exchange, MIAX PEARL Options Exchange and MIAX Emerald Options Exchange effective on...

Listing Alert

MIAX Pearl

May 08, 2020 | 11:46 AM

MIAX Exchange Group - Options Markets - Corporate Action Alert: Aurora Cannabis Inc. (ACB)

Aurora Cannabis Inc. (ACB) has announced a reverse stock split effective for Monday, May 11, 2020. On that date, the current...

Listing Alert

MIAX Pearl

May 05, 2020 | 12:42 PM

MIAX Exchange Group - Options Markets - Delisting of The Stars Group Inc. (TSG)

The Stars Group Inc. (TSG) will be de-listed from the MIAX Options Exchange, MIAX PEARL Options Exchange and MIAX Emerald Options Exchange...

News Alert

MIAX Pearl

May 04, 2020 | 02:05 PM

Miami International Holdings Reports April 2020 Trading Results and Market Share Records for MIAX Exchange Group; Rules Become Effective to List Proprietary Commercial Real Estate Index Products

Full details can be found in the attached press release. For further information, please visit www.MIAXOptions.com or contact MIAX Trading Operations...