MIAX Options® Regulatory Circulars

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July 21, 2017

MIAX Options RC-2017-40

MIAX Options Complex Price Improvement Mechanism (“cPRIME”) Auction Timer

July 21, 2017

MIAX Options RC-2017-39

Complex PRIME, Complex Customer-to-Customer Cross, and Complex QCC Orders
SR-MIAX-2017-19 and SR-MIAX-2017-34

July 21, 2017

MIAX Options RC-2017-38

Roll-Out Schedule for cPRIME, cC2C, and cQCC Orders

July 21, 2017

MIAX Options RC-2017-37

New Mass Cancellation Functionality and MEI High Priority Mass Cancel Ports

July 21, 2017

MIAX Options RC-2017-36

MIAX Options Price Improvement Mechanism (“PRIME”)

July 17, 2017

MIAX Options RC-2017-35

Member Firm Portal as the Approved Electronic Interface for Performing Post-Trade Adjustments

July 17, 2017

MIAX Options RC-2017-34

Approved Rule—CBOE Margin Rule 12.3
Release No. 34-81083; File No. SR-CBOE-2017-051

June 29, 2017

MIAX Options RC-2017-33

Rule Change Approval Notice - FINRA Arbitration Rules 12402, 12403 and 13403