MIAX Pearl® Equities Member Directory

View the complete list of current MIAX Pearl Equities Exchange Members.

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MIAX Pearl Equities Membership

Firms seeking to join the growing list of MIAX Pearl Equities members should take the following steps. The Membership Department will coordinate an introductory meeting that will lay the groundwork for the Membership and Technical Onboarding Process.

Send an email to Membership@miaxglobal.com with your firm’s name, contact information and whether you are interested in joining MIAX Pearl Equities as:

  • An Equities Market Maker
  • An Equities Order Entry Firm
  • A Clearing Firm
  • A Sponsored Participant

Review the following membership forms:

The MIAX Membership team will contact you to arrange an introductory meeting with the MIAX Business Development Team to discuss your firm’s goals, answer questions and to schedule an initial Technical Onboarding meeting.

At the Technical Onboarding meeting, your firm will be introduced to the MIAX Onboarding team, including the MIAX Trading Operations team, that will guide you through the entire onboarding process. Subject matter experts will be available to discuss network connectivity, application interfaces, functionality and operational issues. More information regarding the technical onboarding process is available here.

The MIAX Trading Operations team will coordinate follow-up meetings and testing with your appropriate subject matter experts as necessary until activation in the live trading environment.