Regulatory Alert

MIAX Pearl

March 04, 2021 | 05:50 PM

MIAX Exchange Group - Delay in Self-Help Declaration on BOX Options Exchange

Per earlier Alerts, the MIAX Options, Pearl Options and Emerald Options Exchanges declared self-help on the BOX Options Exchange.  However, MIAX experienced an issue where there was a delay in the time that self-help was implemented as detailed below.  MIAX will reach out to any firms with orders that may have been affected.

  • MIAX Options:
    • Original Self-Help: 15:26
    • Actual Self Help: 15:52:12
  • Pearl Options:
    • Original Self-Help: 15:20
    • Actual Self-Help: 15:50:19
  • Emerald Options:
    • Original Self-Help: 15:27
    • Actual Self-Help: 15:52:21
Regulatory inquiries should be directed to

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