Trading Alert

MIAX Emerald

February 08, 2021 | 03:06 PM

MIAX Emerald Options - Reminder: Announce Support for Additional MEI Limited Service Ports

As previously announced in the January 14, 2020 Alert, the MIAX Emerald Options Exchange proposes, pending filing with the SEC, to offer to Market Makers the ability to purchase an additional six (6) Limited Service MIAX Express Interface (MEI) Ports per matching engine.  The six additional Limited Service Ports will be available in conjunction with the two additional shared segment ULL switches which were previously announced in the January 11, 2021 and February 2, 2021 Alerts.  These will be over and above the current six (6) additional Limited Service MEI Ports per matching engine that are currently available for purchase by Market Makers.  Market Makers will now be limited to purchasing twelve (12) additional Limited Service MEI Ports per matching engine, for a maximum of fourteen (14) per matching engine. 

All Limited Service Ports above two are subject to a fee.  Please see the MIAX Emerald Options Fee Schedule posted on the MIAX website.

The MIAX Emerald Options Interface Specifications are also located on our website.

Please contact MIAX Trading Operations at or (609) 897-7302 if you have any questions, to make requests or to arrange interface testing.

For additional information, please contact MIAX Sales at or (609) 897-8177.