Fee Change Alert

MIAX Emerald

September 04, 2020 | 02:08 PM

MIAX Emerald Options - September 8, 2020 Fee Changes

Effective for trading on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, pending filing with the SEC, the MIAX Emerald Fee Schedule will be amended to provide that the Simple Maker rebates in Tier 4 for Priority Customer options transactions will be ($0.49) in Penny classes and ($0.95) in non-Penny classes when the executing buyer and seller are the same Member or are Affiliates

For full details, please consult the September 8, 2020 MIAX Emerald Fee Schedule, which will be posted on the MIAX website at MIAX Emerald Fee Schedule.

For additional information, please contact MIAX Sales at Sales@miaxglobal.com or (609) 897-8177.

If you need assistance, please contact MIAX Trading Operations at TradingOperations@miaxglobal.com or (609) 897-7302.