Regulatory Alert

MIAX Emerald

April 20, 2020 | 11:33 AM

MIAX Exchange Group - Options Markets - Reg SCI / SIFMA BCP Test Plan - October 24, 2020

The MIAX Exchange Group will be participating in the 2020 SIFMA BCP Testing on Saturday, October 24, 2020.  All members that are required to test with  MIAX Options, MIAX PEARL Options and/or MIAX Emerald Options Exchanges in accordance with Regulation Systems Compliance and Integrity (Regulation SCI) have been notified.  However, all members are encouraged to test.

All Exchange designated Members are required to maintain connection to the MIAX Disaster Recovery (DR) environment for a twelve (12) month period after receiving notification for mandatory testing.

All of the Exchanges will operate out of the Chicago (CH4) Disaster Recovery site for the scheduled test.

Testing Preparation
Testing to the DR environments for each of the MIAX Exchanges will be available:

  • Saturday, September 26, 2020, between 8:00AM - 12:00PM EST
  • Saturday, October 3, 2020, between 8:00AM - 12:00PM EST
  • Monday, October 19, 2020 through Friday, October 23, 2020, between 8:00AM - 5:30PM EST

October 24, 2020 Test Day Timeline
  • 08:30 - Firms can connect to the Trading Systems and enter Orders and Quotes
  • 09:15 - Live Quote Window will open
  • 09:30 - Opening
  • 13:00 - Closing
MIAX, PEARL & Emerald Options Exchanges BCP Testing Requirements
Members mandated to participate in accordance with Regulation SCI are obligated, at a minimum, to demonstrate the following:

Electronic Exchange Members (EEM)
  • Send at least two orders in any of the options listed below
  • Receive at least one execution in any of the options listed below
Market Makers (MM)
  • MIAX Options Exchange:
    • Send at least one, two-sided quote in any of the options listed below
    • Receive at least one execution in any of the options listed below
  • MIAX PEARL Options Exchange:
    • Send at least one, two-sided order in any of the options listed below
    • Receive at least one execution in any of the options listed below
  • MIAX Emerald Options Exchange:
    • Send at least one, two-sided quote in any of the options listed below
    • Receive at least one execution in any of the options listed below
  1. AAPL - JAN 15 21 - C – 205
  2. AAPL - JAN 15 21 – P – 205
  3. BAC - NOV 20 20 – C – 30
  4. BAC - NOV 20 20 – P – 30
  5. GE - JAN 15 21 – C – 10
  6. GE - JAN 15 21 – P – 10
  7. MSFT - JUN 18 21 – C – 65
  8. MSFT - JUN 18 21 – P – 65
  9. SPY - DEC 18 20 –C -290
  10. SPY - DEC 18 20 – P - 290

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plans Testing Member Designation Standards
For test day support, to coordinate participation or to arrange connectivity testing, please contact MIAX Trading Operations at or (609) 897-7302.