Regulatory Alert

MIAX Emerald

November 20, 2019 | 03:20 PM

MIAX Exchange Group: Interface Specification Updates to Support the Mandatory Timestamp Submission by Market Makers to the Consolidated Audit Trail (CAT)

The MIAX Exchange Group has published updated Interface Specifications to support the reporting of the Market Maker Firm Timestamp to CAT via the Exchange. Other unassociated miscellaneous updates are included as well.

  • MIAX Options: MIAX Express Interface (MEI):
    • Support for Firm Timestamp in Quote, eQuote, Complex eQuote and Mass cancel messages
    • Remove SAO eQuotes
  • MIAX Emerald: MIAX Express Interface (MEI):
    • Support for Firm Timestamp in Quote, eQuote, Complex eQuote and Mass cancel messages
    • Remove SAO eQuotes
  • MIAX Pearl: MIAX Express Orders (MEO):
    • Support for Firm Timestamp in A-R Order, Standard Order and Mass cancel messages
    • Added the field "Additional Text" in A-R Order and Standard Order
Important Dates:
  • The above interface updates will be available in the MIAX Firm Test Bed (FTB2) environment in December, 2019
  • The production activation of the above set of changes is currently scheduled for January/February, 2020. Exact dates for each exchange implementation will be announced in a future update(s).
Please review the updated interface specifications for further details: Please contact MIAX Trading Operations at or (609) 897-7302 to discuss any specific issues and to arrange interface testing.