Technical Alert
MIAX Options
August 23, 2019 | 03:16 PM
MIAX Options Exchange - Reminder: Notice of Mandatory Market Data and Retransmission Services Changes
As previously announced in the June 11th Alert, MIAX Options is migrating the following multicast market data feeds and the retransmission services to new server hosts: Top of Market Feed (ToM), Administrative Information Subscriber Feed (AIS), MIAX ORder Feed (MOR), Complex Top of Market (cToM) and MIAX Product Feed (MPF). This migration affects these services in both the primary data center as well as the Disaster Recovery (DR) data center.
Summary of Changes
The new server hosts require IP Address changes.
Firms may need to make changes to their Software and/or Network Settings to communicate via the IP’s assigned to the new hosts.
MIAX Trading Operations will coordinate the migration and provide the related Network IP Address information.
Important Dates:
- Saturday, August 24, 2019: Destination IP changes for all secondary market data retransmission services in NY4. The MIAX Production Trading system will be available for testing on this day.
- Saturday, August 31, 2019: Source IP changes for all primary multicast market data services in NY4. The MIAX Production Trading system will be available for testing on this day.
- Saturday, September 07, 2019: Source IP changes for all secondary multicast market data services in NY4. The MIAX Production Trading system will be available for testing on this day.
- Saturday, September 14, 2019: Destination IP changes for all primary market data retransmission services in NY4. The MIAX Production Trading system will be available for testing on this day.
Contact MIAX Trading Operations at or (609) 897-7302 to discuss any specific issues and to arrange interface testing.