Listing Alert

MIAX Emerald

April 09, 2019 | 01:53 PM

MIAX Options, PEARL and Emerald Listing Alert: Listing of Dow Inc. (DOW)

The option class listed below will begin trading on the MIAX Exchanges on Wednesday, April 10, 2019.

  • Dow Inc. (DOW)
Market Makers can use the Member Firm Portal (MFP) to manage their option class assignments.  All LMM and RMM Option Class Assignments must be entered prior to 6:00 PM ET on the business day immediately preceding the effective date.  All changes made after 6:00 PM ET on a given day will be effective two trading days later.

MIAX Options and MIAX Emerald Primary Lead Market Maker (PLMM) assignments and un-assignments will not be supported via the MFP. The MIAX Listings Department will continue to facilitate PLMM solicitation, assignment and un-assignment. Additional details are provided in the attached PDF and on the Exchange's website.

Please contact MIAX Listings with any questions at or (609) 897-7308.