Trading Alert

MIAX Pearl

September 04, 2018 | 12:58 PM

MIAX PEARL - Reminder: Mandatory Changes to the MIAX PEARL Liquidity Feed (PLF) Required by September 24, 2018

As previously announced in the May 3, 2018July 27, 2018 Alerts, the MIAX PEARL Exchange is rolling out mandatory changes to the PEARL Liquidity Feed (PLF).

Rollout Schedule:

  • Day 1:  Monday, September 24, 2018 - Symbols beginning with Z
  • Day 2:  Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - All remaining symbols
The updates are currently available in the MIAX PEARL Firm Test Bed 2 (FTB2).

The updated PLF specifications are currently available for review at  MIAX Options Interface Specifications.

Please contact MIAX Trading Operations at or (609) 897-7302 to discuss any specific issues and to arrange interface testing.