Trading Alert

MIAX Pearl

February 15, 2018 | 08:38 AM

Aggregate Risk Manager ( ARM ) Change to Define ARM Eligible Order Types

MIAX PEARL has amended Exchange Rule 517A, Aggregate Risk Manager for EEMS (“ARM-E”), and Rule 517B, Aggregate Risk Manager for Market Makers (“ARM-M”) to state that immediate-or-cancel (“IOC”) orders are not ARM Eligible Orders, thereby allowing IOC orders to be submitted to the Exchange for trading when ARM is engaged.
The change will be implemented by the Exchange today, Thursday, February 15, 2018.
Please refer to MIAX PEARL Regulatory Circular 2018-03 for further details.
Questions regarding ARM functionality may be directed to the Trading Operations Department at or (609) 897-7302.
Regulatory questions may be directed to the Regulatory Department at or (609) 897-7309.