Listing Alert

MIAX Pearl

June 29, 2017 | 11:00 AM

MIAX PEARL - Continued Symbol Rollout - July 10th, July 24th and August 7th

The MIAX PEARL Exchange will continue rolling out symbols on July 10th, July 24th and August 7th, 2017.  The full symbol rollout schedule, pending certification, is available by date in the attached document.

To add MIAX PEARL Alerts to your current e-mail subscriptions, revise your current MIAX Options e-mail subscriptions or to register a new e-mail address for subscription to MIAX Alerts, visit MIAX Email Subscriptions.

Reminder: MIAX Options Alert subscribers will no longer receive MIAX PEARL Alerts beginning Monday, July 17, 2017.  All MIAX Options Alert subscribers must update their current e-mail subscriptions and explicitly request to receive MIAX PEARL Alerts. 

If you have any questions, please contact Trading Operations at (609) 897-7302 or

To learn more about MIAX PEARL, please contact Sales at (609) 897-8177 or