Regulatory Alert

MIAX Pearl

May 23, 2017 | 05:07 PM

Consolidated Audit Trail ("CAT") Fee Dispute Resolution Rule

MIAX Options filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission a rule filing to adopt MIAX Options Rule 1713 (Consolidated Audit Trail – Fee Dispute Resolution) that will establish the procedures for resolving potential disputes related to fees to be charged to Industry Members related to the National Market Plan Governing the Consolidated Audit Trail (the “CAT NMS Plan”).

Upon approval, proposed MIAX Options Rule 1713 shall be incorporated by reference into the MIAX PEARL Rule Book, as such rule may be in effect from time to time, and thus shall be a MIAX PEARL Rule applicable to MIAX PEARL Members.

MIAX PEARL will inform its members upon approval of proposed Rule 1713.

Please refer to MIAX PEARL Regulatory Circular 2017-41 for further details.

Questions should be directed to the Regulatory Department at or (609) 897-7309.