Regulatory Alert

MIAX Pearl

February 03, 2017 | 03:33 PM

MIAX PEARL Rule Synchronization

MIAX PEARL is proposing to amend Exchange Rule 100, Definitions; Exchange Rule 404, Series of Option Contracts Open for Trading; Exchange Rule 519C, Mass Cancellation of Trading Interest; and to adopt Exchange Rule 1018 Expedited Suspension Proceeding (SR-MIAX-2017-03) which will become effective on February 6, 2017.
MIAX PEARL is also proposing to adopt Exchange Rule 1018 allows the Exchange to take prompt action to suspend Members or their clients that violate MIAX PEARL Rule 322, Disruptive Quoting and Trading Activity Prohibited.
Please refer to MIAX PEARL Regulatory Circular 2017-22 for further details.
Regulatory inquiries should be directed to or (609) 897-7309.