Technical Alert

MIAX Pearl

January 17, 2017 | 03:10 PM

MIAX PEARL - Mock Trading Test Dates in preparation for February 6th Launch and reminder to subscribe for MIAX PEARL Alert Notifications

The MIAX PEARL Exchange would like to remind all mock trading participants that test trading will take place on Saturday, January 21st and 28th, and February 4th 2017 from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. ET.  

The MIAX PEARL industry mock trading testing will support the following activity in all classes currently listed on MIAX Options utilizing assigned production network connections:

  •  Open firm participation via each of MIAX PEARL’s technical interfaces:
    • MIAX Express Order Interface (MEO) for binary orders
    • FIX Order Interface (FOI) for FIX orders
    • FIX Drop Copy (FXD)
    • Clearing Trade Drop (CTD) for trade drops
  • MIAX PEARL Market Data Dissemination via each of the MIAX PEARL private data feeds:
    • Top of Market Data Feed (ToM)
    • PEARL Liquidity Feed (PLF)
  • Dissemination of Quote and Trade data to OPRA (NOTE: OPRA participation has been coordinated for all Mock Trading Sessions)
  • Data generated from the testing will utilize the new OPRA Participant ID code “P” which will be disseminated via OPRA’s Production channels
  • Routing of eligible orders to exchanges at the NBBO via participating exchanges and/or via simulation

While not required for participation in mock trading, API certification is mandatory prior to launch for those participants utilizing the MEO, FOI, FXD or CTD interfaces. 

Please note that we have utilized the current MIAX Options Alert subscribers list for this alert but will only use the PEARL subscriber lists going forward.  To add MIAX PEARL Alerts to your current e-mail subscriptions, revise your current MIAX Options e-mail subscriptions or to register a new e-mail address for subscription to MIAX Alerts, visit MIAX Email Subscriptions.

If you have any questions or to coordinate testing, please contact Trading Operations at (609) 897-7302 or

Regulatory inquiries should be directed to MIAX Regulatory at (609)-897-7309 or

Sales inquiries should be directed to MIAX Sales at