Regulatory Alert, Technical Alert, Trading Alert

MIAX Pearl Equities

September 03, 2024 | 09:06 AM

MIAX Pearl Equities - 2024 Market Wide Circuit Breaker Testing on Saturday, September 7, 2024

As previously announced in the July 15, 2024 Alert, MIAX Pearl Equities, in coordination with other market centers and the Securities Information Processors (“SIPs”), will participate in the 2024 annual Market Wide Circuit Breaker (“MWCB”) tests.
In accordance with MIAX Pearl Equities Rule 2622, Limit Up-Limit Down Plan and Trading Halts, certain MIAX Pearl Equities Members have mandatory participation requirements in the annual MWCB test. MIAX Pearl Equities will notify Equity Members that are required to participate in the annual MWCB test prior to the first annual test date.

Members must register with Trading Operations at prior to testing in order to participate in MWCB tests and are required to submit attestations to Regulatory@miaxglobal.comPlease note, these tests are systematically monitored for exceptions and the results are reviewed on the following Monday and not in real time.

Successful testing includes receiving and processing the following MWCB messages from the SIPs:

  • Receive and process resume messages from the SIPs following a MWCB halt;
  • Receive and process market data from the SIPs relevant to MWCB halts; and
  • Send orders following a Level 1 or Level 2 MWCB halt in a manner consistent with usual trading behavior
Please refer to MIAX Pearl Equities Regulatory Circular 2024-12 for more information.

  Test Dates
  • Saturday, September 7, 2024:  Dedicated MWCB Level 1, 2 & 3
  • Saturday, December 7, 2024:  Failover / MWCB Level 1 & 2 Test #3
For questions regarding the MWCB test, please contact Trading Operations at or (609) 897-7302.
Regulatory inquiries should be directed to or (609) 897-7309.