Technical Alert

MIAX Pearl Equities

December 15, 2022 | 10:44 AM

MIAX Pearl Equities - Updated Interface Specifications to Support New Self Trade Protection Cancel Reasons

MIAX Pearl Equities (EPRL) has published updated Interface Specifications to support the following system enhancements:

New granular Self-Trade Protection cancel reasons:

  • MIAX Express Orders (MEO) – Version 2.3
    • Added new codes in Cancel/Reduce Size Notification message.
  • FIX Interface Specification (FOI) – No new version
    • Users of FOI, across all Versions, will see enhanced Self Trade Protection cancel codes when rolled out in production
Updated notes for SendingTime and OrdType fields:
  • FIX Interface Specification (FOI) – Version 2.2b
    • Updated notes for SendingTime field (tag #52) in the Standard Message Header, stating that it must be within a configurable interval defined by Regulatory Circular.
    • Updated the ExecInst tag value (tag #18) requirement when OrdType = P (Pegged) in New Order – Single message.

Important Dates
  • The above features will be available in the EPRL Firm Test Bed (FTB2) on December 21, 2022
  • A production rollout date will be announced in a future alert.

Please review the updated EPRL Interface Specifications and the MIAX Exchange Group Connectivity Guide for further details.

For further information or to arrange testing, please contact MIAX Trading Operations at or (609) 897-7302.

Regulatory inquiries should be directed to or (609) 897-7309.

To learn more about Pearl Equities please contact, (609) 897-8177 or visit