Trading Alert

MIAX Pearl Equities

September 15, 2022 | 04:02 PM

MIAX Pearl Equities - Updated Interface Specifications to Support Client Order ID Uniqueness per-Session

MIAX Pearl Equities (EPRL) has published updated MIAX Express Orders Interface (MEO) and FIX Order Interface (FOI/FXD) specifications to support changes to ClOrdID uniqueness from per-MPID to per-Session within a matching engine.

The changes for each specification are as follows:

  • MIAX Express Orders (MEO) – v2.1c
    • MIAX Pearl Equities will validate that Client Order ID is unique across all open orders for the Session (formerly MPID) within a Matching Engine. However, firms are responsible to ensure uniqueness across all orders sent during the trading day.
  • FIX Order Interface (supports both FOI and FXD) – v2.1c
    • MIAX Pearl Equities will validate that ClOrdID is unique across all open orders for the Session (formerly MPID) within a Matching Engine. However, firms are responsible to ensure uniqueness across all order requests sent during the trading day.
Important Dates
  • The new feature is currently available in EPRL Firm Test Bed (FTB2)
  • The new feature is targeted to be activated in production as follows:
    • Day 1: Matching Engine Environment 23 (Symbols Y – ZZZ)
      • Wednesday, September 28, 2022
    • Day 2: Matching Engine Environment 1-11 (Symbols A – MZZ)
      • Thursday, September 29, 2022
    • Day 3: Matching Engine Environments 12 – 22 & 24 (Remaining Symbols)
      • Friday, September 30, 2022

Please review the updated EPRL Interface Specifications and the MIAX Exchange Group Connectivity Guide for further details.

For further information or to arrange testing, please contact MIAX Trading Operations at or (609) 897-7302.

Regulatory inquiries should be directed to or (609) 897-7309.

To learn more about Pearl Equities please contact, (609) 897-8177 or visit