Regulatory Alert

MIAX Pearl

May 19, 2022 | 09:50 AM

MIAX Pearl Options Exchange - MEO Interface Specification Update for Upcoming Features

The MIAX Pearl Options Exchange has published an updated Interface Specification to support the new protections for Simple Orders. 

 MIAX Express Orders (MEO) Interface Specification v2.0d Updates:

  1. Max Put Price Protection
    • The Exchange will determine a maximum trading price limit for a Put option as the strike price plus a pre-set value.
  2. Originator Port Session Entitlement Feature
    • A new feature to allow cancel, execution, order and done-for-day notifications to be sent solely on sourcing port on which the liquidity was originated by the firm. It is highly recommended that Firms evaluate the new functionality to optimize notification processes.
Important Dates:
  • These features are currently available in the Firm Test Bed (FTB2) environment
  • These features will be available in production beginning June 1, 2022
Please review the interface specifications for further details at Pearl Options Exchange Specifications.

Please contact MIAX Trading Operations at or (609) 897-7302 to discuss any specific issues, update configurations and to arrange interface testing.