Fee Change Alert

MIAX Pearl

April 29, 2022 | 02:25 PM

MIAX Exchange Group - Options Exchanges - May 1, 2022 Fee Changes

The MIAX Options, MIAX Pearl Options and MIAX Emerald Options Fee Schedules will be amended on May 1, 2022, pending filing with the SEC.
MIAX Options

  • Class “AIG” will be removed from the MIAX Priority Customer Rebate Program Select Symbol list 
Pearl Options
  • Market Maker Simple Taker fees contra to a Priority Customer in Tiers 5 and 6 for Penny classes will be $0.50 regardless of whether the executing buyer and seller are/are not the same Member and Affiliates; associated current footnotes will be removed 
Emerald Options
  • Priority Customer Simple Maker rebates when trading contra to an Affiliated Market Maker in Tiers 1-4 will be ($0.37) in all Penny classes
  • Priority Customer Simple Maker rebates when NOT trading contra to an Affiliated Market Maker will continue to receive current rebates:
    • Tiers 1-3, ($0.45) in SPY/QQQ/IWM and ($0.43) in other Penny classes
    • Tier 4, ($0.53) in all Penny classes
Summaries of the May 1, 2022 fee changes are attached.  For full details, please review the May 1, 2022 Fee Schedules on the MIAX website at MIAX Options Fee Schedule, MIAX Pearl Options Fee Schedule and MIAX Emerald Options Fee Schedule

To request the new reports, please contact MIAX Trading Operations at TradingOperations@miaxglobal.com or (609) 897-7302.

For additional information, please contact MIAX Sales at Sales@miaxglobal.com or (609) 897-8177.