Fee Change Alert

MIAX Pearl

February 28, 2022 | 04:04 PM

MIAX Exchange Group Options Exchanges Rollback of Certain Non-Transaction Fee Changes

Effective March 1, 2022, the tiered 10Gb ULL connectivity, Full Service MEO Port, additional Limited Service MEI Port, Trading Permit, and cToM data fee changes originally established for July and August 2021, and announced in the July 1, 2021 MIAX cToM Alert, July 1, 2021 Emerald cToM Alert, July 1, 2021 Pearl Options MEO Port & Trading Permit Alert, and August 1, 2021 10Gb & LSP Alert, will be rolled back and revert to the fee amounts in place prior to the July 1 and August 1 fee changes.  This is as a result of the recent suspension of such fee changes by the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Attached is a summary of the fees for each exchange which includes both the current and reverted amounts.

For full details, please review the March 1, 2022 Fee Schedules on the MIAX website at MIAX Options Fee ScheduleMIAX Pearl Options Fee Schedule and MIAX Emerald Options Fee Schedule

For additional information, please contact MIAX Sales at Sales@miaxglobal.com or (609) 897-8177.

If you need assistance, please contact MIAX Trading Operations at TradingOperations@miaxglobal.com or (609) 897-7302.