Listing Alert
MIAX Options
September 06, 2016 | 05:14 PM
Expansion of Short Term Options Series Program – Wednesday SPY Expirations
Effective for trading on Wednesday, September 7, 2016, the MIAX will begin listings new weekly series in SPY that expire on a Wednesday. Key aspects include:
- SPY Wednesday expiring Weekly that expire on any Wednesday of the month, other than one that coincides with a Quarterly Option Series
- New series will be generally listed on a Tuesday and include up to 5 expirations
- If the Wednesday coincides with an Exchange holiday, the expiration date will be on the preceding Tuesday
Please refer to MIAX Regulatory Circular 2016-35 for additional details.
Contact MIAX Options Listings with any questions at or (609) 897-7308.
Contact MIAX Options Listings with any questions at or (609) 897-7308.