Technical Alert

MIAX Options

May 25, 2016 | 10:06 AM

MIAX Options Exchange Update - Reminder of the Mandatory Market Data Feed Migration (ToM, MOR, AIS)

MIAX Options is migrating the following feeds which conform with the most recent interface specification versions supporting Complex Orders.  The migration dates were published in an April 15, 2016 Alert and are listed below. This migration will be completed prior to activation of Complex Order functionality which is subject to SEC approval:

  • Top of Market Feed (ToM) v2.0a
  • MIAX ORder Feed (MOR) v2.0a
  • Administrative Information Subscriber Feed (AIS) v2.0a

Subscribers must confirm they are able to successfully consume the new messages and values without issue prior to the activation dates listed below.

Important Dates:

Each of the new feeds will be activated on the following dates:

  Date           Data Feed             Clouds     Data Center
  6/07/16     ToM (‘A’ Feed)     1–24         NY4
  6/09/16     ToM (‘B’ Feed)     1–24         NY2
  6/14/16     MOR (‘A’ Feed)    1–24         NY4
  6/16/16     MOR (‘B’ Feed)    1–24         NY2
  6/21/16     AIS (‘A’ Feed)        1–24         NY4
  6/23/16     AIS (‘B’ Feed)        1–24         NY2

Summary of Required Changes:

  • Top of Market Feed (ToM) v2.0a
    • Updated Message – Last Sale (Trade) Message contains additional Trade Condition Values
    • Updated Message – Trade Cancel Message contains additional Trade Condition Values
    • Updated Message – System State Message contains the updated ToM Version Value
  • MIAX ORder Feed (MOR) v2.0a
    • New Message – Complex Strategy Definition Update Message
    • New Message – Complex Order Message
    • Updated Message – System State Message contains the updated MOR Version Value
  • Administrative Information Subscriber Feed (AIS) v2.0a
    • New Message – Complex Strategy Definition Update Message
    • New Message – Complex Liquidity Seeking Event Notification Message
    • Updated Message – System State Message contains the updated AIS Version Value

NOTE: Prior to the activation of the Complex Order functionality, the above versions of the feed output will be identical to the current versions with the minor exception of the System State Message version content as indicated above. Once the Complex Orders functionality (subject to SEC approval) is activated, the feeds will produce the additional changes summarized above. Firms are requested to comply with the targeted migration dates for the feed upgrades to ensure their readiness.

All feed changes also apply to associated retransmission services.

All specifications are currently available for review at MIAX Options Interface Specifications.


The updated market data feeds are currently available for testing and verification via the MIAX Firm Test Bed 2 (FTB2).  For testing, contact or (609) 897-7302.

NOTE:  MIAX Options will disseminate revolving test data over the affected production lines on the evenings prior to the listed activation dates below.  This will provide firms with the opportunity to verify their activations. The test data will be produced on the affected feeds from the hours of 7:00PM to 11:00PM ET.  The data will rotate and reset every few minutes during this time period.

Please contact MIAX Trading Operations at or (609) 897-7302 if you have any questions or to arrange testing.