Trading Alert

MIAX Options

October 01, 2015 | 03:37 PM

MIAX Options Ranks #1 in Time at NBBO among All Options Exchanges for August; Reports September Trading Activity

Princeton, NJ – October 1, 2015 – MIAX Options Exchange (MIAX®) today announced that it ranked #1 in time at the National Best Bid/Offer (NBBO) among all U.S. Equity Options Exchanges for the month of August and over 20 million contracts were executed on MIAX in September. The over 20 million contracts executed represents a 48% increase from the approximately 13.6 million contracts executed in September 2014, and equates to an average daily volume of over 950,000 contracts. MIAX’s September equity options market share of 6.45% represents a 58% increase from the 4.08% achieved in September 2014.

The full press release is available on the MIAX Options website at

For further information regarding the MIAX Options Exchange, contact Trading Operations at or (609) 897-7302.