Technical Alert

MIAX Options

September 22, 2015 | 10:14 AM

MIAX Options - Interface Specification Updates

The MIAX Options Exchange has just released updated Interface Specifications to support the new features listed below.

Summary of updates:

  1. Support for EDGX Options Exchange - Mandatory Change/Does not require Firm Certification:
    • FIX Order Interface v1.13b – EDGX support for executions of orders routed from MIAX to EDGX.
    • Clearing Trade Drop v1.8b – EDGX support for executions of orders routed from MIAX to EDGX.
  2. Clarification of expected client behavior during ToM/AIS/MOR gap fills – Optional Change/Does not require Firm Certification:
    • TcpSessionMgmt_SesM_v1 1e – Clarification that client must not heartbeat during gap fills in order to prevent partial gap fill.
These changes will be available in MIAX Firm Test Bed 2 (FTB2) on September 23, 2015.

MIAX Options Trading Interface Specifications are located at  

Contact MIAX Trading Operations at or (609) 897-7302 to discuss any specific issues and to arrange interface testing.