Listing Alert

MIAX Options

September 21, 2015 | 09:30 AM

MIAX Delisting Alert: Delisted Series effective today, Monday, September 21, 2015

The following option series are no longer available for trading on the MIAX Options Exchange effective today, Monday, September 21, 2015.

AIG        42.5    5/20/2016
AIG        42.5    5/20/2016
AIG        47.5    5/20/2016
AIG        47.5    5/20/2016
AN         42.5   11/20/2015
AN         42.5   11/20/2015
AN         47.5   11/20/2015
AN         47.5   11/20/2015
BMY      42.5   11/20/2015
BMY      42.5   11/20/2015
BMY      47.5   11/20/2015
BMY      47.5   11/20/2015
CSC      42.5   11/20/2015
CSC      42.5   11/20/2015
CSC      47.5   11/20/2015
CSC       47.5  11/20/2015
MSI        47.5   11/20/2015
MSI        47.5   11/20/2015
QCOM   37.5   11/20/2015
QCOM   37.5   11/20/2015
QCOM   42.5   11/20/2015
QCOM   42.5   11/20/2015

Please contact MIAX Options Listings with any questions at or (609) 897-7308.