Listing Alert

MIAX Options

June 25, 2015 | 10:30 AM

MIAX Options - Enhancement to Listed Classes File and Introducing a Series Update SFTP Transmission

Please be advised that the MIAX Options Exchange is implementing changes to the Listed Classes File as well as introducing a new Series Update SFTP Transmission.  Both will be available beginning Monday, June 29, 2015.

Listed Classes File
MIAX will add fields to the Listed Classes file available on the website on the Members->Listings page.  The new fields will be added to the end of the record layout.

The following attributes will be added to the  "All Classes Listed on MIAX” CSV file:

  • Primary Listing Exchange
  • Opening Primary Exchange

For further details, please refer the the attached Listed Classes Record Layout.

Series Update SFTP Transmission
MIAX is introducing a new Series Update SFTP Transmission.  This transmission is a CSV file containing details of all options products listed on the MIAX including the MIAX Product ID assigned to each product for the active trading session.  This transmission will be updated at approximately 07:15 AM and 09:25 AM each morning.  To request access to the Series Update SFTP Transmission, contact Trading Operations at  or (609) 897-7302.

For further details, please refer to the attached Series Update Transmission Record Layout.

If you have any questions, please contact MIAX Options Listings at or (609) 897-7308.