Trading Alert

MIAX Options

February 26, 2015 | 04:21 PM

MIAX Options - March 1, 2015 - Pending Fee Changes

Effective March 1, 2015, pending SEC approval, the MIAX Options Fee Schedule will be amended as follows:

  • Establishment of an additional per contract credit (in both Penny and Non-Penny Pilot Classes) for Priority Customer contracts executed  in the MIAX Price Improvement Mechanism (PRIME) when the introducing member meets certain volume thresholds.
  • The MIAX Market Maker Sliding Scale Transaction Fees will be amended as follows:
    • Change to the percentage of national Market Maker volume required for Tiers 2 and 3
    • Change to the per executed contract fee for Penny Pilot Classes in Tier 1
    • Establishment of separate per executed contract fees for Non-Penny Pilot Classes in all Tiers
  • The MIAX Professional Fees will be amended as follows:
    • Change to the per executed contract fees for Non-Priority Customer contracts in both Penny and Non-Penny Pilot Classes (Standard and Mini Options)
    • Change to the per executed contract fees for Firm contracts in both Penny and Non-Penny Pilot Classes (Standard and Mini Options)
  • Elimination of the MIAX Firm Fee Cap
  • Changes to the testing and certification fees.

A summary of the March 1, 2015 fee changes is attached.  For full details, please review the pending March 1, 2015 MIAX Options Fee Schedule posted on the MIAX website at

Please direct any questions to Shelly Brown at or (609) 897-7317.

Regulatory inquiries should be directed to or (609)-897-7309.