Technical Alert

MIAX Options

August 25, 2014 | 05:33 PM

MIAX Options - MIAX Price Improvement Mechanism (PRIME™) - FIX Interface Specification (FOI) Clarification

The MIAX Options Exchange has released an updated FIX Order Interface (FOI) Specification (v1.11a) to clarify the use of the “Auto Match Price” field when sending a MIAX Price Improvement Mechanism (PRIME™) order type.

Members are advised that the “Auto Match Price” field (AutoMatchPrice - FIX Tag 9044), which is utilized for setting the limit price at which a PRIME Contra Order will Auto-Match, must improve the PRIME Contra Order “Auction Start Price” (AuctionStart - FIX Tag 44).  If the “Auto Match Price” is equal to or inferior to the Auction Start Price the PRIME order will be rejected.

PRIME interface testing is available in both the MIAX Firm Test Bed #1 (FTB1) & #2 (FTB2) environments.

MIAX Options Trading Interface Specifications are located at interface-specifications.  

Contact MIAX Trading Operations at or (609) 897-7302 to discuss any specific issues and to arrange interface testing.