Trading Alert

MIAX Options

May 27, 2014 | 03:46 PM

MIAX Options - Expansion of $0.20 Rebate to 36 MIAX Select Symbols and Change to Priority Customer Rebate Tier Effective June 2, 2014

The MIAX Regulatory Circular, MIAX_RC_2014_32, refers to the MIAX Options Exchange fee amendments to the following beginning June 2, 2014:

  • MIAX Select Symbols - Expansion of the number of option classes that qualify for a $0.20 per contract credit for transactions to the following 36 MIAX Select Symbols:  AAL, AAPL, AIG, AMZN, AZN, BP, C, CMCSA, EBAY, EEM, EFA, FB, FCX, FXI, GILD, GLD, INTC , IWM, IYR, JCP, JPM, NFLX, NQ, PCLN, PFE, PG, QQQ, S, SUNE, T, TSLA, VALE, WFC, XLE, XLF, and XOM.
  • Priority Customer Rebate Program – Amendment of the current Priority Customer Rebate Program to modify the volume thresholds of tiers 3, 4 and 5.
The MIAX Options Fee Schedule is posted on the MIAX website at content/fees.

Please direct any questions to Shelly Brown at or (609) 897-7317.

Regulatory inquiries should be directed to or (609)-897-7309.