Trading Alert

MIAX Options

April 02, 2014 | 12:34 PM

MIAX Options - FIX Order Auto Cancel On Disconnect (ACOD) New Deployment Date

The MIAX Options Exchange is pleased to announce that it will introduce the Auto Cancel on Disconnect (ACOD) functionality on April 21, 2014.

With the introduction of this new feature, Firms will now have the ability to send an ACOD directive on an order by order basis or at a session level. Orders received with this directive will be canceled upon disconnect (due to graceful logout or a connection loss or loss of 2 heartbeats) on a best effort basis. GTC orders are not eligible for ACOD functionality.  Upon completion of ACOD, the FOI will not accept connections from the Firm for a configured period of time currently set to 5 seconds.

Please refer to MIAX_RC_2014_16 for further details.

The MIAX Firm Test Bed can currently accommodate testing of this new feature.  Auto Cancel On Disconnect is an optional change, but requires mandatory re-certification.

Please refer to the FOI interface specification for more details regarding this feature.  MIAX Options Trading Interface Specifications are located at interface-specifications.

Please contact MIAX Trading Operations at or (609) 897-7302 to discuss any specific issues and to arrange interface testing.

Regulatory inquiries should be directed to or (609)-897-7309.