Trading Alert

MIAX Options

June 13, 2013 | 03:51 PM

MIAX - Attributable Orders Available Monday, June 17, 2013

Please be advised the MIAX Options Exchange will introduce Attributable Orders beginning Monday, June 17, 2013.

Attributable Orders allow the originating Executing Broker MPID to be displayed, at the Execution Broker's discretion, on all applicable associated Liquidity Seeking Events.

For information regarding Attributable Orders, please reference the MIAX Technical Alert dated May 3, 2013 at the following link: alertsfilter/alert/technical-alerts. Attributable Orders are currently available for testing in both the MIAX Firm Test Bed 1 (FTB1) and Firm Test Bed 2 (FTB2) environments.

For further information for Attributable Orders or to arrange interface testing, please contact MIAX Trading Operations at or (609) 897-7302.